Copper’s Corner: A Cat’s Life (Second Edition, #10)
It’s 2:45 a.m. on a Friday in early April, and I’ve been relaxing and trying to unwind for a while now. I woke up late after staying up most of the night working, and then my friend Mitch came over to hang out in the evening. We watched a couple of great classic boxing fights on YouTube.
Around 2 a.m. I’m trying to chill out and I’m watching baseball on the MLB TV app on my Roku, when all of a sudden Copper saunters into the living room. She makes her entrance very casually, as if she’s just tiptoeing into the living room to see how Master Charles is doing.
How am I doing Copper? I’m doing much better now that you’re here beautiful. She makes her way over to the cat tree and pauses in front of it. I can tell she’s assessing whether she should jump up to the third level or not, and when she should do it, and why.
But she answers with a yes, a now, and a why not?
Half a second later, boom, she jackrabbits onto the third level of the cat tree. I say hey Copper, you look great up there, hey beautiful, how you doing Copper?
She looks at me from above, with wild and crazy eyes, then goes about her business on the third level of the cat tree. She walks around a little, and then she jumps back down onto the floor.
At this point I grab some of the treats I have on the coffee table, the Greenies, in chicken flavor, and I put them on the floor near where she is. She cautiously approaches them, grabs one, puts it in her mouth, then takes it out and holds it in her paws, then throws it under the table.
She dives under the table to retrieve the chicken treat, comes back out from under the table, pushes it around again, puts it in her mouth, takes it out and holds it in her paws and does a ballet-like dance where she’s almost eating, but then not quite eating it. Then she takes it out of her mouth, and she’s dancing with it and rolling around with it.
Who knows what’s going on? All I know is that she’s in some sort of crazy mood because of these Chicken flavored Greenies.
I put a couple more Greenies down on the floor for her. She retrieves them, moves them around, and then exits the living room to go back into the bedroom. Who knows what she’s going to do with them? Is she going to eat them now? I just don’t know. Maybe she’ll dance with them for a while.
It’s interesting to wonder how cats think, and what goes through their mind when they’re doing what they do. We’ll see what happens next.